
Laboratory of Foundation Engineering, Soil and Rock Mechanics

Université de Bochum

L'équipe de recherche :

Principaux moyens matériels existants :

Most of the common devices for measurement and control of suction (Pressure plate, Vapour equilibrium technique, Osmotic method, Chilled mirror hygrometer, Squeezing technique, Psychrometer, Filter paper method), devices for determination of mechanical and hydromechanical behaviour of soils (Oedometer with axis-translation technique and vapour equilibrium technique), devices for swelling pressure measurement at constant volume condition, triaxial devices (including cyclic loading), Double-wall bi-axial device, bender element testing device, Centrifuge

Axes de recherche développés :

Most of the common devices for measurement and control of suction (Pressure plate, Vapour equilibrium technique, Osmotic method, Chilled mirror hygrometer, Squeezing technique, Psychrometer, Filter paper method), devices for determination of mechanical and hydromechanical behaviour of soils (Oedometer with axis-translation technique and vapour equilibrium technique), devices for swelling pressure measurement at constant volume condition, triaxial devices (including cyclic loading), Double-wall bi-axial device, bender element testing device, Centrifuge

Mémoires de Magister soutenus ou en cours :

Katja Mentzel, Theoretical and experimental determination of the SWCC of Hostun Sand (2007). Schanz, T. ; Lins, Y.
N. Ito, Implementation of osmotic method, (2006). Schanz, T. ; Baille, W.
S. Lehmert, Determination of water retention curves of clays – influence of their mineralogy (2006). Schanz, T. ; Baille, W.
Frank Remmert, Determination of hydraulic behaviour of unsaturated granular material using sand column testing device (2005). Schanz, T. ; Lins, Y.
Guillem Sivecas, Study on the hydraulic behavior of unsaturated granular material (2005). Schanz, T. ; Lins, Y.
Rebecca Förster, Determination of the SWCC of Hostun Sand (2004). Schanz, T. ; Lins, Y.
Michael Kämmerer, Determination of the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of sand using sand column testing device (2003). Schanz, T. ; Lins, Y.
Ulrike Michels, Structural Investigation of Houston Sand (2003). Schanz, T ; Lins, Y.

Thèses de Doctorat soutenues ou en cours :

Houman Soleimani Fard, Thermo-hydraulic-mechanical behaviour of loam bricks – Application to cultural heritage of Iran, en cours.
Long Nguyen Tuan, Numerical modeling and identification of THM process, en cours.
Yasir Al-Badran, Volume change characteristics of unsaturated soils, en cours.
Muhammad Ibrar Khan, Hydraulic conductivity of moderate and highly dense expansive clays, en cours.
Wiebke Baille, Mechanical and hydraulic behaviour of clays – influence of mineralogy and physico-chemical properties, en cours.
Yvonne Lins, Hydro-Mechanical Properties of Partially Saturated Sand (2009) Schanz, T. ; Fredlund, D. ; Helmig, R. ; Steeb, H. ; Datcheva, M.
Yulian Firmana Arifin, Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Behavior of Compacted Bentonite-Sand Mixtures: An experimental study (2008), Schanz, T ; Laloui, L. ; Sridharan, A. ; Tripathy, S.
Agus Setianto Samingan, An Experimental Study on Hydro-Mechanical Characteristics of Compacted Bentonite-Sand Mixtures, (2005), Schanz, T. ; Fredlund, D. ; Delage, P.

Projets de Recherche Nationaux ou Internationaux :

- Études expérimentales et théorique des matériaux granulaires non-saturé. Durée : 2002 – 2008. Fondé par la DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft / German Research Foundation)
- Plusieurs projéts fondé par le Ministère Fédéral de l’éducation et de la recherche d’Allemagne (BMBF) dans le cadre de la recherche sur le comportement à long terme des barrières ouvragées dans le contexte du stockage de déchets nucléaires en profondeur
-  Membre de « Taskforce on engineered barrier systems (Task force - EBS).

Communications/Publications Nationales et Internationales :

Agus, S. S., Fredlund, D. G. & Schanz, T. (2009), Measurements of suction and water content for benonite-sand mixtures, Can. Geotech. J., p. in press.
Agus, S. S. & Schanz, T. (2005), Comparison of four methods for measuring total suction, Vadose Zone J, 4, 1087-1095.
Arifin, Y. & Schanz, T. (2009), Osmotic suction of highly plastic clays, Acta Geotechnica, p. in print.
Baille, W., Tripathy, S. & Schanz, T., Swelling pressures and one-dimensional compressibility behaviour of bentonite at large pressures, Applied clay science, accepted.
Datcheva, M. & Schanz, T. (2003), Anisotropic bounding surface plasticity with rotational hardening for unsaturated frictional materials, J. Phys. IV 105, 305-312.
Lins, Y., Fredlund, D. G. & Schanz, T. (2009), Modi ed pressure plate apparatus and column testing device for measuring hydraulic properties of an unsaturated sand, ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, p. In print.
Schanz, T., ed. (2004a), Unsaturated soils: experimental studies, Vol. I of Proceedings in Physics 93, Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin New York.
Schanz, T., ed. (2004b), Unsaturated soils: numerical and theoretical approaches, Vol. II of Proceedings in Physics 94, Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin New York.
Schanz, T., ed. (2007a), Experimental unsaturated soil mechanics, Vol. I of Proceedings in Physics 112, Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin New York.
Schanz, T., ed. (2007b), Theoretical and numerical unsaturated soil mechanics, Vol. II of Proceedings in Physics 113, Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin New York.

Aspects liés aux sols non saturés dans la formation :

Les aspects liés aux sols non saturés sont inclus dans les cours de Master.
Les sols non-saturés sont inclus dans un cours nommé « Sols problématiques ».

Secrétariat de UNSAT-DZ
Laboratoire Eau et Ouvrages dans Leur Environnement (EOLE), Faculté de Technologie,
Université Aboubakr BELKAID - BP 230, Chetouane, Tlemcen.
Tél : (+213) (0) 666 79 79 40 - Fax (+213) (0) 43 28 56 85 - e-mail :
Conception : VITAMINEDZ