1. C. SAYAD GAIDI, S. Kenniche, L. GAIDI, (2016) “ ”, 2nd International Conference on Water Ressources (ICWR), Ouargla, 21-22 November, 2016.
2. L. GAIDI, C. SAYAD GAIDI, (2016) “Soil contamination precess during leachate infiltration”, 2nd International Conference on Water Ressources (ICWR), Ouargla, 21-22 November, 2016.
3. C. SAYAD GAIDI, L. GAIDI, (2016) “Perméabilité d’une argile utilisée dans les dispositifs d’étanchéité pour la protection des sols et des eaux souterraines contre la pollution”, Journées Scientifiques Maghrébines sur l’Eau en Algérie, Tlemcen, 23-26 Octobre, 2016
4. C. SAYAD GAIDI, L. GAIDI, (2015) “Study of the hydraulic behavior of a soil used in sealing barrier construction”, International Conference on Water, Energy and Environment (ICWEE’15), 24-26 March,2015, American University of Sharjah, UAE.
5. L. GAIDI, C. SAYAD GAIDI, (2015) “Study of the leachate infiltration effect on the hydraulic propreties of géosynthetic clay liner”, International Conference on Water, Energy and Environment (ICWEE’15), 24-26 March, 2015, American University of Sharjah, UAE.
6. C. SAYAD GAIDI, L. GAIDI, S. Taibi, (2012) “Laboratory Hydraulic conductivity measurement of sealing barriers materials using triaxial cell”, The 10th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering (ACE 2012), Ankara, 17-19 October, 2012.
7. C. SAYAD GAIDI, L. GAIDI, S. Taibi, (2011) “Influence of hydraulic gradient and confining stress on the hydraulic conductivity of sealing barriers materials”, International Conference on Water, Energy and Environment (ICWEE), 14-17 october,2011, American University of Sharjah, UAE.
8. L. GAIDI, C. SAYAD, (2016) “Soil » contamination” Journées Scientifiques Maghrébines sur l’Eau en Algérie, Tlemcen, 23-26 Octobre, 2016
9. L. GAIDI, C. SAYAD, (2016) “Soil contamination precess during leachate infiltration”, 2nd International Conference on Water Ressources (ICWR), Ouargla, 21-22 November, 2016.
10. L. GAIDI, C. SAYAD, (2015) “ Study of the leachate infiltration effect on the hydraulic properties of the Geosynthetic clay liner”, The Third International Conference on Water, Energy and Environment (ICWEE2015), American University of Sharjah, UAE.
11. L. GAIDI, C. SAYAD, (2014) “hydraulic conductivity estimation of unsaturated soil under water and leachate flux”, The 11th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering (ACE 2014), Ankara, 21-25 October, 2014.
12. L. GAIDI, I. ALIMI-ICHOLA, C. SAYAD GAIDI, (2012) “Retained solute mass measurement by clay during infiltration test”, The 10th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering (ACE 2012), Ankara, 17-19 October, 2012.
13. L. GAIDI, I. ALIMI-ICHOLA, C. SAYAD GAIDI, (2011) “Study of Moisture and Leachate Solute Movement during Infiltration Tests”, International Conference on Water, Energy and Environment (ICWEE 2011), 14-17 october,2011, American University of Sharjah, UAE.
14. Alimi-Ichola I., Gaidi L. (2008) Study of Solute Migration in a Double-Layered Unsaturated Soil: Influence of the Position of the Drainage layer on the Retention Capacity of the Sealing Layer12th IACMAG, Goa, India, 1-6 October 2008, pp. 2565-2571
15. ALIMI ICHOLA, I., GAIDI L., (May 2006) «Influence of the unsaturated zone of soil layer on the solute migration", Journal of Engineering Geology vol. 85, n° 1-2, pp. 2-8.
16. Alimi-Ichola I., Gaidi L. Hydraulic conductivity and Pollutant dispersion coefficient assessment during leachate flow in unsaturated clay, UNSAT(2006), Pheonix, Arizona, USA,April (2006)
17. Alimi Ichola I., Gaidi L. (2005) Etude de la migration du soluté d'un lixiviat dans un sol non saturé par la méthode TDR Revue Française de Géotechnique N°111 2e trimestre 2005, pp. 46-58 (Google Scholar)
18. GAIDI, L. et ALIMI I., (2000) "Etudes des caractéristiques Hydrodynamique des Sols par la Méthode TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry)" Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, vol.59 n°3, pp. 247-255. (ISBN : 1435-9529 (Springer-Verlag))
19. GAIDI, L. et ALIMI I., (2003) "Utilisation des sondes TDR pour estimer la masse de soluté retenu par une couche d'argile lors d'une infiltration" "Use of TDR probes to assess the retained solute mass by clay during infiltration test", Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, vol. 62, n°1, pp. 47-56. (ISSN : 1435-9529 (Springer-Verlag))
20. GAIDI L. et ALIMI ICHOLA I., (2002) "Study of the hydraulic behavior of Geosynthetic clay liner subjected to a leachate infiltration". Proceedings of the International Symposium IS Nuremberg 2002, Clay Geosynthetic Barriers, Zanzinger, Koerner and Gartung Eds., Nuremberg (Allemagne), pp. 233-246. (ISBN : 90 5809 380 8)